What Keeps Us?

“Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him…” – Job 13:15 (NKJV) 

What keeps us when things are dark and gloomy, when we do not see any solution to our situation, when all else fails? I dare say that as believers, it is our faith in God that keeps us!  

Job is a perfect example of faith in God (Job 13:15). He was bombarded on every side, yet he continued to trust God. The Matthew Henry Bible Commentary describes Job’s statement as a high expression of faith that we should all aspire towards. No matter what happens, we should remain pleased with God, even when He seems to come against us as an enemy (Job 23:8-10). Job lost everything, BUT he did not lose faith in God. We should not allow fear and anxiety to rob us of faith, but rather, we should focus on God’s Word and look beyond what our natural vision sees.  

There are many examples of faith in the Bible, but I would like to draw our attention to Hebrews 11, where Noah’s account is referenced. What did Noah do in the face of imminent destruction around him? (Genesis 6:13). He trusted, obeyed, and displayed total faith in God, even though those around him questioned his sanity. Noah did not have a chance to consult with anyone, call on the Elders for prayer, or organise a community meeting to decide what should be done. Noah obeyed, and it was credited to him for righteousness, and God blessed him (Genesis 9:1).     

From the above, it is quite clear that our faith is what keeps us. For instance, Noah could have decided to question God’s instructions to build the ark and even scoffed at the covenant God made with him; but by faith, he trusted and obeyed. Do you have a worry today that is causing you to take your eyes off God? Is it a matter that seems not to have a solution? Do your bills seem insurmountable? Have you received a bad report from the doctor? 

Brethren, nothing is impossible with our God. I say to you, do not waiver; this is the time when your faith should be stirred. Read Hebrews 11 and be encouraged.  There’s no situation you and I can face that is too big for our God to fix. Today I urge you to have a posture like Job. Stop worrying about how or when He’s going to fix it; just know that He will. He has a plan, He is already in our tomorrow. In difficult times, it is our faith in God that will keep us. 


Heavenly Father, today we pause to acknowledge Your goodness and grace towards us. We ask Your forgiveness for the times we have not trusted You as we should. We pray that this reminder of Job’s unwavering faith in You will inspire us to trust You when our natural eyes do not see a solution; in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Read:  Proverbs 3:5-6; 1 Peter 5:7

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 119:89-96; 2 Timothy 3; Jeremiah 50:11-46; Jeremiah 51:1-14


  1. Lucille Joseph

    Amen Amen

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